Teen Challenge UK is a registered charity and operates nationally to help men and women who have developed life controlling problems, especially drug and alcohol addictions, offering preventative help to those who may be in danger of doing so and to reach out with the good news of God’s love offering loving care and support, to know freedom from addiction and freedom through Christ.
Teen Challenge operates in over 120 countries.
Teen Challenge UK has 6 rehabs and 15 outreach centres across the UK.
Teen Challenge Dorset (TCD) was started in 2011 and the local team now comprise of many volunteers from different churches.
Teen Challenge can provide outreach to work alongside your church, and provide training and equipping to anyone who would like to be involved in such ministry. We praise God for the countless individuals that have been reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ through TCD, and many of whom have gone on to have successful lives, restored families, blessings to communities and most importantly have the hope of heaven.
If you would like to know more, get help, or would like to donate to the work of Teen Challenge Dorset, visit our website teenchallengedorset.co.uk or contact us on 01202 805 505 or email admin@tcdorset.co.uk